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Bentari Project Blog
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Norm and I went to high school together in Portland, Oregon in the 1960s. Like most boys of those days, our fathers were combat veterans of WWII. And when Norm and I and all our friends finished school, we still had warfare to contend with. In one way or another, human militarism interrupted our lives.
If not for Facebook, I may not have reconnected with Norm. But we did. That circumstance, in one way or another, led my old and new friend to read Bentari.
This is his recent message to me:
“Hi Tim, I wanted you to know I finished Bentari this morning after being up with it until 2 a.m. last night. What a wonderful adventure you created. Much of the time I felt like I was there in the forest with Bentari. It was easy to imagine him swinging fearlessly from vine to vine. I think my favorite parts were the description of the family interactions and their love for each other and respect for the place they lived. I enjoyed every word and you have another fan. So excellent Tim, good for you!”
My message back overflowed with gratitude.
Bentari’s message, you see, is the same as Norm’s.
As we begin a New Year, just steer toward the brightest star.
Our bearings guide us, full-speed ahead, toward strengthening our family interactions, our love for each other and respect for the places that we live.
Peace on Earth.
Photo from Norm’s family collection, with his wife Margie