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The wages of “War” are hazardous to those who wage it.
Posted: Saturday, July 18, 2015

Jacob George (1982-2014)[1]—the founder of Afghanistan Vets for Peace, died by his own hand 1-week after President Barack Obama released plans for his tactical strikes in northern Iraq and Syria.

Jacob served three tours in what he then considered to be the ultimate service for his country. His song “Soldier’s Heart” beckons us to recognize the absurdity of poor farmers like him going off to kill poor farmers in other lands when people everywhere are starving.

He went back to Afghanistan as a peace activist. He met with a young Afghani who was a farmer like him. They shared many things in common. They both recoiled from the tragedy of daily news—the bombing, the fighting, the killing—farmers and workers destroying each other.

Here’s the deal—it’s workers killing workers. Bombing victims into moderation has not worked. Why is it celebrated? Why is it a tactic? Why do worker-soldiers perform it? Take war off the table. Put it to bed and do not bother telling it good-night.

Rest in peace, Jacob. You were a good farmer, a good soldier and a good ambassador for peace.

Good Night, my Brother!

Image: Jacob George[2]


[1] See Jacob remembered on “Democracy, NOW!” with Amy Goodman:


[2] See: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/29/jacob-george/