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Founder of Chicago: Jean Baptiste Point du Sable
Posted: Thursday, February 3, 2011

A self-described “free mulatto man”, Jean Baptiste Point du Sable[1] (1745-1818) is known as the “Founder of Chicago”. Much is known about this strong man—much is not known or is debated. Yet his important place in history is secure, since he is undeniably the first recorded non-native permanent settler at the mouth of the Chicago River.

French explorers (La Salle, Marquette) had been there. Possibly, trappers had camped there. But it was Jean who built and operated his successful trading post that led to the wider settlement around the river delta at the place known as Eschikagou. It was Jean, who had eluded slavery in the South and made his way north. It was he who founded the town that one day would be described as the “City of Big Shoulders”[2]. It began when he built a cabin; then a store; and then he managed to build it into a thriving business that many who settled after him depended upon for their daily needs. It began on the broad back of a well educated, brave man over 200-years ago, a man who shared his family’s heritage from both the continents of Europe and Africa.

Some have claimed he was born in Haiti. We do not know for certain where he was born or why he left Chicago to buy land in Missouri where he died. But we do know that his mother was once a slave and we know that this independent, strong-willed man of African heritage is recognized as the founder of one of our nation’s greatest cities.

The city and residents of Chicago have named in Jean’s honor: a park, a school, a museum and a harbor. His homestead was designated as a National Historic Landmark on May 11, 1976. And the U.S. Postal Service created a commemorative stamp[3] to honor him in 1987.

Here’s a quiz for you: Why did Native-Americans call the land where Jean settled “Eschikagou”? (Send answers to Tim@Bentari.com.)

Image: A bust and plaque[4] to honor Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, the Founder of Chicago (Chicago is of special interest to me. Not only is it home to my cousin Sue and some of my very good friends, it is also home to some of my characters—in the future adventures of Bentari!)


[1] See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Baptiste_Point_du_Sable and http://www.suite101.com/content/usps-black-heritage-stamps---jean-baptiste-pointe-du-sable-a267767

[2] See: http://carl-sandburg.com/chicago.htm

[3] USPS Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable Stamp Credit: 1986 © USPS. All Rights Reserved.

article: USPS Black Heritage Stamps - Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable

[4] See: http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7YG7_Jean_Baptiste_Pointe_DuSable_bust_and_plaque_Chicago_IL. Bust & marker of DuSable placed along Michigan Avenue near the bridge over the Chicago River in 2009, sculpted by Erik Blome.