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We all like something together
Posted: Saturday, March 12, 2011

In this passage, Bentari describes the ancient Mbara “Lightning Bird ritual” to some of the German soldiers who had recently tried to plunder his tribe’s hidden treasure. They sought to make him their prisoner, but now the boy befriended them:

Bentari spoke with such animation that the men were raptly intent, even Immer who needed a translation. “Then he releases the bird. If the bird flies off back to its nest, which they always do, then our people know that Kumasei has done well and the river will rise no higher than the bird has shown.” Bentari finished with a clap of his hands and he beamed at his audience.

“That is quite a custom,” said Falberg. “Tell me, how does Kumasei get the bird to do this miracle each year?”

“You better ask Kumasei that question,” laughed Bentari. His new friends joined him, too.

(From Bentari, ch. 25—“The Lightning Bird”)

The point is this—our hearts must be more open than closed. If we can just FOCUS (Find One Cause Uniting US), we have taken the first step. It may be baseball. Or it may be ice cream, or old movies, or the smell of Daphne in springtime, or the color purple. Just find one thing to cling to for the sake of togetherness and forget the disagreements. They can all be managed from a foundation of unity—of commonality.

In other words, look for the ties that bind. Look for the common thread. Look for areas of agreement. Seek level ground. Stand together. There are reasons to get along. It is not required to disagree, to argue—or to fight and make war. Peace is not out there. Peace is here, now.

It can be.Try this, and see. Be kind to a stranger today.

Photos: At the ball park with my first foul ball—caught cleanly on the 3rd bounce! And a Hamerkop, also called “Lightning Bird” as the predictor of storms

“Isolationism is no longer a practical policy.” Signor Ferrari (Sydney Greenstreet, Casablanca)